Absence Reporting

Absence Reporting

Excused absences guarantee students the right to make up any and all assignments assigned on the day[s] of absence at full credit. The student is responsible for asking the teacher(s) for assignments and make-up tests within two (2) class meetings with the teacher. The teacher(s) shall specify a reasonable period of time for completion of make-up work. In no case shall the time be less than one full calendar day for each day missed. Work due to be turned in on the day of the excused absence will be turned in upon return with the potential to earn full credit. The principal or designee shall have the authority to modify these conditions with a confirmed hardship. (Source: Portion from District School Board of Pasco County Secondary Student Code of Conduct.)

Failure to notify the school of a valid absence reason (as noted below) via note or electronic submission within three (3) days of the last day of an absence will cause the absence to remian recorded as "unexcused."

In case of excessive or extended absences which are claimed to be due to illness, the parent/guardian should provide documentation (i.e. doctor's statement, doctor's note) of a student's illness. Excessive or extended absences are considered five (5) in one month or ten (10) in one semester, or a history of excessive absences per class period. Absences that meet the threshold of excessive as defined above will require a doctor's note. If doctor's notes are not provided, absences will remain recorded as unexpected.

In the highly unusual case of an administratively pre-approved student absence, it is suggested that the student requests his/her make up work from teachers before leaving on the approved absence.

State of Florida approved, valid (excusable) absence reasons include:

a. Illness of student.

b. Major illness in the immediate family of the student. (Immediate family is determined as parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents, aunts, uncles, legal guardians, or persons in loco parentis, or a member of one's own household.)

c. Death in the immediate family of the

d. Religious holiday of the student's faith. (Includes Yom Kippur, Rosh Hashanah, Epiphany, etc.)

e. Religious instruction. (Includes Bar/Bat Mitzvah, Confirmation, etc.)

f. Religious institutes, conferences, or workshops, provided that the principal or designee approves the absence in advance.